The position of the movie The Mist.

 Lev Remeskov
The position of the movie The Mist.
Is there a sequel to The Mist? Maybe some movie series? And the ending is not so good. The only good news is that the fog is gone.


mister presenter

Lisa Schumacher
The ending is at odds with the book the movie was based on.

There is no continuation. Read the book, it's more interesting

Arachne, Honey
The ending is terrible. It was not so with King. There is no continuation.

Boris Volodin
yeah, good ending. The story ended in a succinct way, why continue?

A sequel was planned, in 2013 there was talk that King was offered to write a script for the second part. But how it went there, and whether the project was abandoned, I don’t know ...

Kostya Vereshchagin
There is a series released in 2017