Recommend any movies about vampires. Just not twilight

 Sad Anarchist
Recommend any movies about vampires. Just not twilight


Pyvapiv Pshynpip

Houston, we have a problem! ʕᵔᴥᵔʔ
"Byzantium" "Wars of Light" "Only Lovers Left Alive"

Evil and harmful
"Vampires" by J. Carpenter (part 1) "Hunger" by T. Scott (very amateur ...) "Interview with a Vampire" by N. Jordan

Erkhov Pavel
Seriously, I can't watch all this nonsense. That's why - "Dracula: Dead But Happy" No, no, "Dark Shadows" is still not bad, but this is simply because Tim Burton had a hand in it.

Irina Dorozhkina
The story of a vampire

Ghoul Real Ghouls Blade

Light Outgoing
Salem's Lot (Jerusalem's Lot) From Dusk Till Dawn

Boris Volkov
Night of the Vampires. (2001) I liked this film. Old but good.

Tatyana Savelyeva
Interview with a Vampire

Maxim Khrabrov
Buffy .... there's nothing more normal

Alisa Afanasyeva
The film "Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl" (2009, Japan) (comedy horror; a vampire and a living corpse are fighting for the love of a handsome school boy). Animated series with dismemberment "Castlevania". Anime series "Blood +" (no worse than "Interview with the Vampire"). Anime series "Hellsing" (also a great thing).

Alexander Muratov
TOP-23 list of TV shows about VAMPIRES