Are people already crazy about the movie "Twilight"?

 Nothing Personal
Are people already crazy about the movie "Twilight"?
I'm going to the subway yesterday to study with my neighbor friend. It’s early, the guy was lighting up all night in the club - his vision is not so hot: terrible bruises under his eyes, his eyes reddened from the fact that he didn’t sleep and thumped all night, pale as chalk (well, this is by nature), dry. And he also does his own hair "a la Robert Pattinson", which is why he is somehow far away from this actor. Come means two girls aged 17-18. They chat so carelessly and suddenly begin to stare at him intently, even a little frightened, and whisper. Here a large mass of people tumble into the car, I move and it turns out that I am standing behind these girls; I hear this fragment of their conversation: - You know, I also think that this is a vampire - all the signs on the face. - Well, I'm telling you! - Kick... Kick what stupidity! It just became funny to me. Well, okay, 12-13 years old, and here are adult girls. Is this film so brainwashing that people are already moving their minds?


He really annoys me.)

Lolita Vatrushkina
and my friend is 40 and she is also dragging along .... this is a disaster ...

Well, why, I didn’t watch this movie, I didn’t waste time on this garbage! So I'm still normal

wow .... I noticed ...

Dumb movie. . I only watched a part, I didn’t watch this epic anymore ....

Marina Levshina
I think everyone is crazy about The Vampire Diaries.

this is a beautiful story about love, and the girls just give this, that's it

well, I didn’t go crazy, but it’s nice to watch a film where there is no obscenity and sex, although the main character could have been found prettier ...

a movie like a movie, you got some *sick* girls

Lena Novoselova
Maybe they are very impressive. Like your friend - the same set off - so plump and go out of your way over your health. So these girls are being brainwashed by the media. And you are the same on something shifted, for example, you are afraid of aliens. We are all a little.

Come on, this Patison is scary and not beautiful at all!

Yves Vial
It also surprises me why they are still dragging along it :) I also dragged myself at first, but I got tired of it a long time ago :)

daria baykova
only Taylor Lautner without a t-shirt is liked in the movie

Irena Englert
A terrible film, I didn’t see any love there, the actors are terrible, I didn’t believe it.

Olivia Frazier
For a long time everyone has gone crazy about this movie, but not me.