Is The Mist a Good Movie Worth Watching?

Is The Mist a Good Movie Worth Watching?


not bad but watchable

Melamory Blimm
Yes, good. but it's better to read first and then watch))

Alena Sinitsina
Yes, I really liked it! The ending is just amazing. Moreover, the film is based on a book by Stephen King!

I watched I liked it! I think it's worth a look! cool movie! I agree the ending is powerful!)))

Super movie, I liked it, be sure to watch it!!!

watch of course. especially the ending is heavily filmed

ddfdfq fdafa
but the effects are too cartoony and the movie is good

Maria Stotskaya
The film is definitely worth it. Although it's not "horror", it's more of a "thriller/drama". The atmosphere, although not the strongest, but there; creepy moments are present; monsters look, of course, cheap, but for such a small budget - it's not even bad; the acting, although somewhat not up to par, is normal; Well, the finale is the very thing, in my opinion: sharp, cruel, uncompromising, like a blow to the balls. And most importantly - the movie is far from meaningless. Not "masterpiece", but "excellent".

Alex K
Better read the book - much better, and even Darabont screwed up the ending.