Why does The Vampire Diaries have such angry and rude fans?

Why does The Vampire Diaries have such angry and rude fans?
Neither Twilight nor True Blood has as many rude fans as this series. I'm not a fan of the screen Edward Cullen and Stefan, but it's so unpleasant to watch how they lick Damon from all sides and curse everyone else. Like they're underpaid because Twilight exists...


Ildar Shamsetdinov
I don't even know what Vampire Diary is.

Anna Zhuk
They are on the roll that the Vampires of This Network

the easiest thing to do is ignore them.

Fans are always inadequate. I'm not a fan of anyone, but I like The Vampire Diaries and Twilight.

They need to be treated.

Olivia Frazier
I just like Stefan.

Anna Gayz
mm. . I love The Vampire Diaries, but I don’t prove anything to anyone, I’m tolerant))) but not to Bieber fans, I don’t understand how you can listen to him

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