Movie twilight! How long do werewolves live? Just like vampires? Forever?? Help!

 Ilona Bartkute
Movie twilight! How long do werewolves live? Just like vampires? Forever?? Help!


Werewolves live like ordinary people. You saw Bill in the wheelchair - he's old. The most common Indians.

cream girl
it was written in the book that a werewolf does not age as long as he continues to transform

Miss Trololo
Werewolves how people live

User deleted
fuck yes no of course they are mortal and their lifespan is like that of people. by the way, this is mentioned more than once in girlish twilight explaining why vampires are truly evil

Anna Brin
Vampires don't live - they are dead by default.

Not at all, they don't exist, just like vampires. Stop watching nonsense

Renata Bagautdinova
Werewolves are immortal, just like vampires. Billy just didn't show the werewolf gene. since in his youth, vampires did not threaten his tribe.

Julia Rasteryaeva
werewolves live forever. Just like vampires

A werewolf specifically in Twilight in the future can live forever, BUT, if he turns at least several times a month, he will completely stop aging by the age of 25, diseases will not affect them. Jacob's father Billy also possesses this gene, but in his youth, the vampires did not threaten the tribe and the gene did not develop, he ages, just like an ordinary person, because he does not convert. Read the books and then watch the movies, everything will become much more interesting and understandable.