Tell me, can anyone know a movie whose plot is at least a little bit similar to the film The Mist (The Mist)

 Andrey Militarist
Tell me, can anyone know a movie whose plot is at least a little bit similar to the film The Mist (The Mist)
If anyone does not know, please do not write any



"Storm of the Century" (mini-series)

Foggy Raccoon
Silent Hill Monsters, Religious Zealotry Descent Monsters, Enclosed Space Children of the Corn - Religious Zealotry, Mass Murder Earth Tremors, Enclosed Space

Alexander Shishlev
"Storm of the Century" - but there are no monsters. The only similarity is that the community of people on the island was cut off from the world. The script, by the way, Stephen King, too. "Something" - events are taking place at the Arctic base, an attack by a mimic organism. "Prometheus" - Considered the precursor film to "Alien", a group of scientists find the legacy of an ancient race on an uninhabited planet. "Black Hole" - a spaceship crashes into a planet that is ruled by cruel predators at nightfall. 30 Days of Night - A small community is terrorized by a group of vampires. All that I remembered. The films are united by the fact that a group of people were locked in a restricted area next to predators of supernatural origin.

Bermuda Triangle