Why do people like the movie "Twilight"? IMHO - they pull the cat for ... in general, explain ...

 Anna Elien
Why do people like the movie "Twilight"? IMHO - they pull the cat for ... in general, explain ...


15 minutes looked and switched, rare shit.

Katya Melnik
because they like it, and I like it too. Tastes vary, that's all for you...

Romance, the relationship between a vampire and a girl!

Levych (unloved, embittered)
In principle, not the worst series of films among popular among teenagers. There is love, there is friendship, there are tears, there are superpowers, there are desperate heroes and there are inevitable victims. Children don’t need more, this is only Tarkovsky for adults.

Lord shade
Remember a simple truth: every film will find its audience.

User deleted
the story of love is the main theme there. "Beauty and the Beast" for example or "Phantom of the Opera" is a prop. there are still many examples, so the theme is classical, and therefore it is liked, especially for young people.

To be honest, I only watched the first movie. I won't say I didn't like it... but not happy either. Maybe that's why I didn't watch the rest of the episodes.

Arven Armen
the film plays on the subconscious, there is a clear sexual overtones, as well as a general idea ...

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