What is the name of the force, the power of thought to hurt people? So did the vampire from the movie twilight.

 Ivan Khayrov
What is the name of the force, the power of thought to hurt people? So did the vampire from the movie twilight.
What is the name of the force, the power of thought to hurt people? So did the vampire from the movie twilight.


There, their complex synthesis is shorter. Siddhis are needed.

what other thoughts man

What do you learn from the media and from children's films for the weak-minded? This is already in general ... This is a delusional phantasmagonia invented by someone

it was in that film, as in all Lukyanenko's works on the theme of "watches" - the main force was DUSK. With his help, others did everything they did. Without DUSK, there was little to do there at all. In this reality there is an alternative - mental and astral. Through these subtle plans, you can do a lot of things that you read in fairy tales and saw in the movies. However. Teaching even gifted people is a painful and long process, and it is impossible to give a 100% guarantee that you will teach someone something.

Ramil Ganiyatov
On Earth there is a term "TELEKINESIS" - this is the impact on living and non-living matter remotely. In simple perception, "telekinesis" means the movement of objects in space due to thought, without the use of known physical forces. //A person can remotely hurt a person without telekinesis, through personification. As such, there is no pain (there is no damage to the body), but the brain perceives information about pain, and reacts to it

Frater Ordinis
there are entities that have a mission to mow down people. there are enough of them. their energy is deadly for a person. they need to learn how to call, feed and use.

Ekaterina Aksenova
At the heart of all magical actions is the spiritual energy of the magician ...

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