How do you like the movie ''twilight''?

 Dmitry Pavlenko
How do you like the movie ''twilight''?


Vadim Kostyuk
Fuck, vampire faggot, werewolf too, including me

dff df wrcerw
real shit is better than it

Terrible is the death of the horror genre

Kek Kek
Norm, but Bella is a bestial whore

Quiet horror)))

Lisa Mokhova
Gorgeous, look You, like a guy, will come in better Before watching, just don’t eat anything)

Handel Te'dwif

Denis Gromov

Daniel Chistilin
From this vanilla, my teeth even start to hurt, but there are no comrades for the taste and color. Perhaps this is a good movie, but I didn’t like it, and I simply didn’t watch the further parts.

Who would not tryndel, but I like the movie. Yes, the main character is annoying, but the film is not bad. It does not pretend to be a horror, it is just a fantastic melodrama for teenagers and it is strange to expect something complicated from it. A simple story of unusual love, just what girls need.

jay jay
Full bucket.

Sergei Gazukin
As Shrek would say



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