Now they are actively promoting the movie "Twilight" ...

Now they are actively promoting the movie "Twilight" ...
I have not seen it, but why is it better than other vampire series? Why is there such a stir around him in your opinion?


This is the worst vampire movie ever.

Because there is LOVE


Alexey Zhivotyagin
The film is bad, but they talk a lot, because it's new

it's a cross between a movie about vampires and stupid American teen movies (like violent games) + cute actors. what else do they need to be happy? The book, by the way, is also a joke.

great movie)

Ruslan Shukanov
Because he is a teenager, there are a lot of teenagers, they go to the film and pay money, that's all the excitement created for this. Sadly, even males fall for this movie -_-

Ivanna Mar
I haven’t seen a single part, and why does everyone love him so much?!

Roman T
I didn’t watch either, but apparently there is a guy playing there who causes uterine rabies in teenage virgins

Metal Boy
All of these is not one movie, but a whole saga. Really not a bad movie, looking forward to the next movie. P.S. I don't like watching movies, but there's something about him...

Hannibal Lector
Very interesting, I watched all three parts. The coolest thing is that there is both horror and romance at the same time. I advise you to look.

Well, who likes what! There are always lovers and opponents! I personally love the movie! I just love vampire movies. And he's not the worst of them all.

Svetlana Gunchenko
idealized romantic affection - the love of a vampire for a girl. Many people dream of this. But much is left unfinished in the book - the plot is simple, the ending is clear from the first part, some details are not thought through to the end.

"Twilight" is a good movie in itself... romance and all that... but here's what followed it... I don't know, maybe people don't have enough love.. I want to dream.... but it's really a bit of a mess. :)

nastya cheladze
First of all, this is not a series. they look at it according to the herd principle. I watched! better kina not seen! go look! It's definitely worth watching, but it's not for everyone. and most people just want to know they will finally make a vampire out of the main character or she will stir up a werewolf. like this.

Lena Zhikh
Why do we buy Tide, Blend-a-Mend or Whiskas for our pets? Is it in quality? Maybe! Partly! But the most important thing is advertising! Promotion!!!! Advertising is a great power! We were convinced that this is something special, that it is a must-see, and also to buy posters, stickers, posters, computer games (especially among teenagers)! Works the same as with Tide!! ! Is not it so? At least to watch this film once, if only out of curiosity, almost everyone considers it their duty!!!!