Recommend series/movies

Recommend series/movies
I'm sick, but there's nothing to watch .... What I saw (from top to bottom, which is stronger - my top is shorter) 1. Supernatural 2. Sherlock 3. Grimm 4. Dresden Dossier 5. Arrow 6. The Vampire Diaries 7. Secret Circle 8. Castle 9. Legend of the Seeker 9. Tenth Kingdom , , Brigade, All women are witches, H2O, House - I've seen for a long time I don't like comedies like Interns, Daddy's daughters, >_< but comedies like Castle Lu) action, mysticism, action, fantasy pliz, without dragging, well, smaller santa barbar pliz ) ) I saw a lot of anime, do not advise, Harry, Pirates, The Lord of the Rings, Twilight, The Matrix, Van Helsing, The Fast and the Furious, etc. - do not stutter, I know them) well, if there is something like Konstantin (favorite movie from childhood ), District 13 - then throw about spies, secret organizations like the Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Especially dangerous + You can throw, thanks in advance!)


Kick-Ass 1 and 2 Kids Astral mirror fat man in the ring and many other films)))

Elena Averyanova
Clone, Magnificent century - these are the ones I watched and really like

Means War (2012) Trance (2013)

Watch from TV shows: clinic, lie theory, my name is earl, fornicating california, breaking bad, from comedies watch the king of parties, american pie, macho and nerd, 21 and more, project x, bachelor party in vegas, tough guy (starring there Garth, from the supernatural), kick, double dick, nothing to lose, diamond cop, cops in deep reserve, like everything ... I wish you a speedy recovery )

Movies: Witchcraft (1996, old but cool), Around the World in 80 Days, Belphegor - the ghost of the Louvre, The Chronicles of Riddick, Blood and Chocolate, Bloodrain, Equilibrium Bandits, I'm Fourth, Gothic, I'm a Robot, Ember City: Escape, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Deal with the Devil, The Brothers Grimm, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, TV Shows: Blood Ties Ghost Talker Blood Mystery Being Human Eastwick Royal Hospital Reaper

elementary, body investigation, ghost talking, kitchen, walking dead, game of thrones, hannibal (TV series), bones, ripper streets, escape

Oleg Siluyanov
Well, I advise you to read when I was in the hospital, I got hooked on modern science fiction - you can find very interesting works: the author Pekhov, for example

series once in a fairy tale, everyone hates chris, matchmakers movies: professor in law (I don’t know how professor is spelled)) , mummy, 1 + 1,

Alfira Nigmatullina
McLeod's Daughters Taste of the Night Don't Go Others

Hope Klevaikna
Watch SPLIT series


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